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the joy of servitude


"Domina, can you please tell me what you are looking for in a sub?"

Subs should benefit My life and amuse Me always. There are two ways to play:

1. you may start as slave and graduate to sub by means of hard work and dedication.  

2. you may start as sub and graduate to slave by means of generosity. 

Oh, just the notion of a pleased and contented life, surrounded by servants, tended to by smiling pets and do boys... I love it!

All too often, people inquire about such things as service and sessions with preconceived notions - that prodommes are obsessed with money, or that lifestyle dommes are not. There are many ways to have one's needs met in life, and many needs indeed I have!

Some serve for the pleasure of serving, which I promise to make quite interesting whenever possible. This I love, and there's no better company than the quietly busy submissive man tucked away around here, cleaning and going about fixing all the broken things at the house or studio. I haven't yet been fortunate enough to ensnare a submissive husband, so service slaves make fine companions, indeed, to the kind of woman I've found myself to be. I can be sexy, lazy, controlling, fussy, meticulous, and demanding when I'm actually paying attention, and there's no excuse for a job not well done. Panties, chipndale tux, chastity, maid or butler uniform, sissy apparel, and all manner of strange and interesting work gear will be included to give me a smile when checking in on how the dishes are coming along. 

No, We're not just talking about sissies. Yes, manly men are most appreciated. 

For those who know Me, My cars aren't new, and mechanically inclined or car washy slaves may apply.

For those who know Me, My home is nestled in a beautiful, semi-historic South Florida neighborhood and there is a plethora of endless responsibilities, none of which I believe a lady ought to sweat a single drop over. 

The following positions are available:


Studio ServiceSlut - As needed, evenings, 1-4x month. Fully equipped private dungeon. This place is generally clean, but still demands regular polishing, dusting, and repair!

you will be called on to bring supplies, such as water, paper towels, gloves, and miscellaneous pragmatic desiderata upon request. Clean in a ridiculously sexy outfit, or utterly nude, while only I watch, or perhaps several of the ladies present inspect your skills and results. you are in fact putting yourself in a very interesting situation!

Domestic ServiceSlut - As needed, late afternoons, early evenings, preferably 1-2x week or as available. I positively loathe housework. Call Me irresponsible, lazy, or silly, go ahead, and I'll find a tighter pair of panties for you to put on while keeping this home and playhouslots to match... you, My lovely, will make that all more pleasurable, with a newly organized wardrobe and tidy, pleasant home. Bathrooms need scrubbing, knick knacks need dusting, and dishes need washing. I want to see this place sparkle, and do it while writing stories, answering email, drinking wine, and perhaps other things, which I'll leave up to your sweetly twisted little imagination. New applicants begin at the studio and graduate to My home. 

Landscaping and Lawn Slave - 1-2x month. Sweep leaves, tidy the plants, wack some weeds, inspect the mulch, clean things up, put fronds out to the garbage, and plant whatever flora followed me home from Lowe's. you will make My front and back yards into lovely sanctuaries. In the evening, I will watch you, nude, from the hot tub. 

Handywhore Helper - 1-4x month. Installing new locks, shelves, curtains, carpentry, plumbing, and everything imaginable in a smale-scale sort of way! I'm not bad with tools, but the tool I prefer to handle is an Hitachi wand. I take these repairs seriously, and all handyman work will be truly appreciated.

Frivolous, Fun Flights of Fancy Positions:

Fabulous Footwear, Sexy Lingerie Slave - My shoes wear out, straps pop off, heels need healing, and I am pitifully bored shoe shopping solo. Take Me out for a little early dinner, and enjoy the pleasure of shoe shopping with mistress. I adore trips to Fetish Factory and various stores, as well. Matching stockings, slinky little nothings, body suits, accessories, sexy jackets, leather treats, sheer gowns, and all manner of lacy confections. Perhaps it's time to get you into some new panties. Perhaps this is all just a trap to dress you up. Purrrhaps. 

Long distance slave? I love it... let's shop a little online! We have fun picking something out, things arrive, and share pics with eachother when they're finally on!

Toys for Twats - We're hosting our 10th annual Toys for Twats Drive! Send Me toys off My list, or let's meet at the toystore, and set up the studio with some nifty new contraptions. While My policy is to use all new toys on the donor, if you donate $150 worth of toys, expect to be our guinnea pig at the studio.

© 2021 Domina Serpentine 

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